Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)
Left Vietnam for France in 1911, and in December 1920 voted with the majority of French Socialist Party members to affiliate to the Communist International. Visited Moscow in 1922, and accompanied first Bolshevik visitors to China. Set up a youth movement in Vietnam in 1924, which he led from Canton, China, where he worked closely with both the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang, until 1927. Arrested for sedition in Hong Kong in 1931, and presumed dead by his comrades in Vietnam. In fact, Ho was 'recalled' to Moscow, where he did routine duties. Meanwhile, he was blamed for the disastrous results of the Comintern's disastrous ultra-left policies in Vietnam. Worked with the Chinese Red Army. Following the Japanese invasion of Vietnam, Ho returned to Vietnam in 1941, where he set up a base in the hills near the Chinese border, where many workers and youth fled from Hanoi. Founded the Viet Minh to fight the Japanese, and sought assistance from the US. Truman promised independence for Vietnam in exchange for support against the Japanese. The Viet Minh assisted in suppressing the uprising of the Saigon workers in 1945. French colonialism reclaimed the country, and Ho took the leadership of the war for independence which ended in victory at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Accepting the peace negotiated at Geneva, Ho withdrew his troops to the North, and allowed the US to occupy the South. Then began the 20 years war against the US. Ho died in 1969, not living to see the victory of the Vietnamese forces in April 1975.
Hukum Hukum Revolusi
Apa hukum-hukum Revolusi itu? Hukum-hukum Revolusi itu, kecuali garis-besar romantika, dinamika, dialektika yang sudah kupaparkan tadi, pada pokoknya adalah :
Pertama, Revolusi mesti punya kawan dan punya lawan, dan kekuatan-kekuatan Revolusi harus tahu siapa lawan dan siapa kawan; maka harus ditarik garis pemisah yang terang dan harus diambil sikap yang tepat terhadap kawan dan terhadap lawan Revolusi;
Kedua, Revolusi yang benar-benar Revolusi bukanlah “revolusi istana” atau “revolusi pemimpin”, melainkan Revolusi Rakyat; oleh sebab itu, maka Revolusi tidak boleh “main atas” saja, tetapi harus dijalankan dari atas dan dari bawah;
Ketiga, Revolusi adalah simfoninya destruksi dan konstruksi, simfoninya penjebolan dan pembangunan, karena destruksi atau penjebolan saja tanpa konstruksi atau pembangunan adalah sama dengan anarki, dan sebaliknya; konstruksi atau pembangunan saja tanpa destruksi atau penjebolan berarti kompromi, reformisme;
Keempat, Revolusi selalu punya tahap-tahapnya; dalam hal Revolusi kita : tahap nasional-demokratis dan tahap Sosialis, tahap yang pertama meretas jalan buat yang kedua, tahap yang pertama harus dirampungkan dulu, tetapi sesudah rampung harus ditingkatkan kepada tahap yang kedua; - inilah dialektik Revolusi;
Kelima, Revolusi harus punya Program yang jelas dan tepat, seperti dalam Manipol kita merumuskan dengan jelas dan tepat : (A) Dasar/Tujuan dan Kewajiban-kewajiban Revolusi Indonesia; (B) Kekuatan-kekuatan Revolusi Indonesia; (C) Sifat Revolusi Indonesia; (D) Hari-depan Revolusi Indonesia dan (E) Musuh-musuh Revolusi Indonesia. Dan seluruh kebijaksanaan Revolusi harus setia kepada Program itu;
Keenam, Revolusi harus punya soko-guru yang tepat dan punya pimpinan yang tepat, yang berpandangan jauh kemuka, yang konsekwen, yang sanggup melaksanakan tugas-tugas Revolusi sampai pada akhirnya, dan Revolusi juga harus punya kader-kadernya yang tepat pengertiannya dan tinggi semangatnya.
Apa hukum-hukum Revolusi itu? Hukum-hukum Revolusi itu, kecuali garis-besar romantika, dinamika, dialektika yang sudah kupaparkan tadi, pada pokoknya adalah :
Pertama, Revolusi mesti punya kawan dan punya lawan, dan kekuatan-kekuatan Revolusi harus tahu siapa lawan dan siapa kawan; maka harus ditarik garis pemisah yang terang dan harus diambil sikap yang tepat terhadap kawan dan terhadap lawan Revolusi;
Kedua, Revolusi yang benar-benar Revolusi bukanlah “revolusi istana” atau “revolusi pemimpin”, melainkan Revolusi Rakyat; oleh sebab itu, maka Revolusi tidak boleh “main atas” saja, tetapi harus dijalankan dari atas dan dari bawah;
Ketiga, Revolusi adalah simfoninya destruksi dan konstruksi, simfoninya penjebolan dan pembangunan, karena destruksi atau penjebolan saja tanpa konstruksi atau pembangunan adalah sama dengan anarki, dan sebaliknya; konstruksi atau pembangunan saja tanpa destruksi atau penjebolan berarti kompromi, reformisme;
Keempat, Revolusi selalu punya tahap-tahapnya; dalam hal Revolusi kita : tahap nasional-demokratis dan tahap Sosialis, tahap yang pertama meretas jalan buat yang kedua, tahap yang pertama harus dirampungkan dulu, tetapi sesudah rampung harus ditingkatkan kepada tahap yang kedua; - inilah dialektik Revolusi;
Kelima, Revolusi harus punya Program yang jelas dan tepat, seperti dalam Manipol kita merumuskan dengan jelas dan tepat : (A) Dasar/Tujuan dan Kewajiban-kewajiban Revolusi Indonesia; (B) Kekuatan-kekuatan Revolusi Indonesia; (C) Sifat Revolusi Indonesia; (D) Hari-depan Revolusi Indonesia dan (E) Musuh-musuh Revolusi Indonesia. Dan seluruh kebijaksanaan Revolusi harus setia kepada Program itu;
Keenam, Revolusi harus punya soko-guru yang tepat dan punya pimpinan yang tepat, yang berpandangan jauh kemuka, yang konsekwen, yang sanggup melaksanakan tugas-tugas Revolusi sampai pada akhirnya, dan Revolusi juga harus punya kader-kadernya yang tepat pengertiannya dan tinggi semangatnya.
Kita menyadari bahwa Pemikiran Bung Karno tidak terlepas dari kesalahan kesalahan dan tentu saja banyak hal yang harus di re-evaluasi. Tetapi saya kira ini tidak mengurangi penghargaan kita terhadap pemikiran beliau. Yang harus kita pahami adalah bahwa Marhaenisme kita Bukan Sukarnoisme belaka., artinya kita mencoba memahami marhaenisme sebagai suatu pemahaman yang senantiasa berkembang, tidak berhenti hanya mengidolakan Bung Karno an sich dan tanpa reserve.
Saya kira pemahaman diatas cukup sebagai landasan dasar kita untuk memahami Marhaenisme.
Berangkat dari hal kecil diatas maka sebenarnya kita bisa membongkar dan menata kembali ketata-negaraan hari ini. Bahwa kalau kita memahami dan membaca kembali Pidato Lahirnya Pancasila, bahwa kenapa dan untuk apa kita membangun organisasi negara, kenapa hari ini
kita disibukkan oleh pergolakan daerah, besarnya ketimpangan antara garis kemiskinan dengan kelompok yang bergelimang kekayaan, dan bagaimana akar permasalahan hingga kita sering menjadi bahan'pelecehan' negara tetangga.
Pertanyaannya hari ini adalah :
Sudahkah negara ini untuk semua rakyat dan bangsa yang ada di Sabang hingga Merauke?
Sudahkah perekonomian kita berada pada rel yang benar?
Sebagai contoh kecil ingin saya tunjukkan adalah begini :
Pada saat kita membangun organisasi (negara) ini, kita sepakat bahwa organisasi ini untuk kesejahteraan kita semua, maka pada UUD'45 dinyatakan bahwa sokoguru perekonomian kita adalah Koperasi (Inc), tetapi hari ini kita melihat sokoguru perekonomian kita adalah Kapitalisme Liberal (diwakili oleh PT, CV, NV) dan Kapitalisme Merkantilis (diwakili oleh BUMN dan BUMD) sementara Koperasi (Inc) hanya menjadi pelengkap dan hanya dipersepsikan untuk kalangan kelas bawah dan penambah aktifitas. Padahal klu kita serius koperasi ini dapat menjadi suatu sistem perekonomian yang kuat seperti ditunjukkan oleh negara-negara Eropa tengah (Swedia, Norwegia, Denmark, Finlandia, dll), seperti kita sering liat perusahaan-perusahaan yang berakhiran INC dibelakang nama perusahaannya.
Solusinya saya pikir negara ini bisa memulai dengan BUMN/BUMD, Jadikan BUMN/BUMD tersebut Koperasi. Bukan hanya dengan membentuk Koperasi karyawan. PT. PLN, PT. TELKOM membentuk Koperasi karyawan yang kerjanya memungut iuran dan mengelola Kafe. PT PERTAMINA, PT. BNI TBK, Dll. kenapa tidak PLN INC, TELKOM INC, PERTAMINA INC, Dll?
Masih banyak contoh lain yang tentu saja adalah bahan diskusi dan bahan pemikiran kita bersama. Share
Kita menyadari bahwa Pemikiran Bung Karno tidak terlepas dari kesalahan kesalahan dan tentu saja banyak hal yang harus di re-evaluasi. Tetapi saya kira ini tidak mengurangi penghargaan kita terhadap pemikiran beliau. Yang harus kita pahami adalah bahwa Marhaenisme kita Bukan Sukarnoisme belaka., artinya kita mencoba memahami marhaenisme sebagai suatu pemahaman yang senantiasa berkembang, tidak berhenti hanya mengidolakan Bung Karno an sich dan tanpa reserve.
Saya kira pemahaman diatas cukup sebagai landasan dasar kita untuk memahami Marhaenisme.
Berangkat dari hal kecil diatas maka sebenarnya kita bisa membongkar dan menata kembali ketata-negaraan hari ini. Bahwa kalau kita memahami dan membaca kembali Pidato Lahirnya Pancasila, bahwa kenapa dan untuk apa kita membangun organisasi negara, kenapa hari ini
kita disibukkan oleh pergolakan daerah, besarnya ketimpangan antara garis kemiskinan dengan kelompok yang bergelimang kekayaan, dan bagaimana akar permasalahan hingga kita sering menjadi bahan'pelecehan' negara tetangga.
Pertanyaannya hari ini adalah :
Sudahkah negara ini untuk semua rakyat dan bangsa yang ada di Sabang hingga Merauke?
Sudahkah perekonomian kita berada pada rel yang benar?
Sebagai contoh kecil ingin saya tunjukkan adalah begini :
Pada saat kita membangun organisasi (negara) ini, kita sepakat bahwa organisasi ini untuk kesejahteraan kita semua, maka pada UUD'45 dinyatakan bahwa sokoguru perekonomian kita adalah Koperasi (Inc), tetapi hari ini kita melihat sokoguru perekonomian kita adalah Kapitalisme Liberal (diwakili oleh PT, CV, NV) dan Kapitalisme Merkantilis (diwakili oleh BUMN dan BUMD) sementara Koperasi (Inc) hanya menjadi pelengkap dan hanya dipersepsikan untuk kalangan kelas bawah dan penambah aktifitas. Padahal klu kita serius koperasi ini dapat menjadi suatu sistem perekonomian yang kuat seperti ditunjukkan oleh negara-negara Eropa tengah (Swedia, Norwegia, Denmark, Finlandia, dll), seperti kita sering liat perusahaan-perusahaan yang berakhiran INC dibelakang nama perusahaannya.
Solusinya saya pikir negara ini bisa memulai dengan BUMN/BUMD, Jadikan BUMN/BUMD tersebut Koperasi. Bukan hanya dengan membentuk Koperasi karyawan. PT. PLN, PT. TELKOM membentuk Koperasi karyawan yang kerjanya memungut iuran dan mengelola Kafe. PT PERTAMINA, PT. BNI TBK, Dll. kenapa tidak PLN INC, TELKOM INC, PERTAMINA INC, Dll?
Masih banyak contoh lain yang tentu saja adalah bahan diskusi dan bahan pemikiran kita bersama. Share
Max Horkheimer (1895-1973)
Horkheimer, Max (1895-1973)
German philosopher and social scientist; director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research 1930-1958; close associate of Theodor Adorno, who mixed Marxism with influences as diverse as Schopenhauer, Dilthey, Nietzsche and Freud.
The Institute for Social Research was founded in 1923 by Felix Weil to be an independent academy for Marxism intended to rival any University in the standards of scholarship, and the institute carried out important research on the history and condition of the German workers' movement. It was possibly the first body to use opinion polls as a research tool.
Others to be associated with the Institute as well as Horkheimer and Adorno included Leo Lowenthal, Raymond Aron, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and Ernst Krenek.
After the 1923 defeat of the German Revolution, Horkheimer and other members of the Institute to some degree, drew the conclusion that the working class could never be the vehicle for social change simply as a result of its position within the production process, and concluded that only the development of theory itself could be the scene of liberation. Horkheimer co-authored Dialectic of Enlightenment with Theodor Adorno while in the US during the 1940s, and his 1947 Critique of Instrumental Reason is also widely read. In 1949, Horkheimer returned to Frankfurt and re-established the Institute, and retired to Switzerland in 1958.
(http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/h/o.htm#horkheimer-max) Share
German philosopher and social scientist; director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research 1930-1958; close associate of Theodor Adorno, who mixed Marxism with influences as diverse as Schopenhauer, Dilthey, Nietzsche and Freud.
The Institute for Social Research was founded in 1923 by Felix Weil to be an independent academy for Marxism intended to rival any University in the standards of scholarship, and the institute carried out important research on the history and condition of the German workers' movement. It was possibly the first body to use opinion polls as a research tool.
Others to be associated with the Institute as well as Horkheimer and Adorno included Leo Lowenthal, Raymond Aron, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and Ernst Krenek.
After the 1923 defeat of the German Revolution, Horkheimer and other members of the Institute to some degree, drew the conclusion that the working class could never be the vehicle for social change simply as a result of its position within the production process, and concluded that only the development of theory itself could be the scene of liberation. Horkheimer co-authored Dialectic of Enlightenment with Theodor Adorno while in the US during the 1940s, and his 1947 Critique of Instrumental Reason is also widely read. In 1949, Horkheimer returned to Frankfurt and re-established the Institute, and retired to Switzerland in 1958.
(http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/h/o.htm#horkheimer-max) Share
Theodor Adorno (1903 - 1969)
Adorno, Theodor (1903 - 1969)
German philosopher who also wrote on sociology, psychology, and musicology.
Adorno obtained a degree in philosophy from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt in 1924. His early writings, which emphasise aesthetic development as important to historical evolution, reflect the influence of Walter Benjamin's application of Marxism to cultural criticism. After teaching two years at the University of Frankfurt, Adorno immigrated to England in 1934 to escape the Nazi persecution of the Jews. He taught at the University of Oxford for three years and then went to the United States (1938), where he worked at Princeton (1938-41) and then was co-director of the Research Project on Social Discrimination at the University of California, Berkeley (1941-48). Adorno and his colleague Max Horkheimer returned to the University of Frankfurt in 1949. There they rebuilt the Institute for Social Research and revived the Frankfurt school of critical theory, which contributed to the German intellectual revival after World War II.
One of Adorno's themes was civilisation's tendency to self-destruction, as evinced by Fascism. In their widely influential book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), Adorno and Horkheimer located this impulse in the concept of reason itself, which the Enlightenment and modern scientific thought had transformed into an irrational force that had come to dominate not only nature but humanity itself. The rationalisation of human society had ultimately led to Fascism and other totalitarian regimes that represented a complete negation of human freedom. Adorno concluded that rationalism offers little hope for human emancipation, which might come instead from art and the prospects it offers for preserving individual autonomy and happiness. Adorno's other major publications are Philosophy of Modern Music (1949), The Authoritarian Personality (1950, with others), Negative Dialectics (1966), and Aesthetic Theory (1970).(http://www.marxists.org) Share
German philosopher who also wrote on sociology, psychology, and musicology.
Adorno obtained a degree in philosophy from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt in 1924. His early writings, which emphasise aesthetic development as important to historical evolution, reflect the influence of Walter Benjamin's application of Marxism to cultural criticism. After teaching two years at the University of Frankfurt, Adorno immigrated to England in 1934 to escape the Nazi persecution of the Jews. He taught at the University of Oxford for three years and then went to the United States (1938), where he worked at Princeton (1938-41) and then was co-director of the Research Project on Social Discrimination at the University of California, Berkeley (1941-48). Adorno and his colleague Max Horkheimer returned to the University of Frankfurt in 1949. There they rebuilt the Institute for Social Research and revived the Frankfurt school of critical theory, which contributed to the German intellectual revival after World War II.
One of Adorno's themes was civilisation's tendency to self-destruction, as evinced by Fascism. In their widely influential book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), Adorno and Horkheimer located this impulse in the concept of reason itself, which the Enlightenment and modern scientific thought had transformed into an irrational force that had come to dominate not only nature but humanity itself. The rationalisation of human society had ultimately led to Fascism and other totalitarian regimes that represented a complete negation of human freedom. Adorno concluded that rationalism offers little hope for human emancipation, which might come instead from art and the prospects it offers for preserving individual autonomy and happiness. Adorno's other major publications are Philosophy of Modern Music (1949), The Authoritarian Personality (1950, with others), Negative Dialectics (1966), and Aesthetic Theory (1970).(http://www.marxists.org) Share
Biografy Josef Stalin
Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953)
Stalin, a political name adopted when he was 34, meaning Man of Steel, studied for the priesthood under his real name, Dzhugashvili. Son of a shoe maker, he joined the Social Democratic party after being expelled from a theological school for insubordination. After the RSDLP split in 1903, Stalin became a member of the Bolshevik party.
In Stalin's early years he was continually in trouble with the local authorities. During this period he took the nickname Koba, after the famous Georgian outlaw and the name of a character in the romance "Nunu", by the Georgian author Kazbek. The celebrated brigand Koba was known as a fighter for the the rights of the people, while the fictional Koba was depicted as sacrificing everything in his struggle against the Tsarist authorities on behalf of his people, but unsuccesful, freedom was lost.
Koba escaped prison exile several times, at his last escape he fled to St. Petersburg, where he became a member of the editorial staff of Pravda in 1912. Within a year, Stalin was arrested again and exiled to Siberia. He was released from exile by general amnesty after the February Revolution of 1917, and went back to the editorial staff of Pravda in Petrograd.
After the October Revolution Stalin was elected to the post of commissar for nationalities.
Throughout the following civil war, Stalin ascended the ranks of the government through extensive bureaucratic manoeuvering and in 1922, received the majority vote to become the General Secretary of the Communist party. In the same year Lenin called for his removal, explaining that Stalin had amassed to much power, in what was to become known as Lenin's last testament.
Following Lenin's death in 1924, a wave of reaction swept through the Soviet government. Stalin introduced his theory of socialism in one country, where he explained that Socialism could be achieved by a single country.
Unlike former inner-party debates, where the positions of either side were written in newspapers, talked about in public meetings and soviets; the reaction and practices of the long and devastating civil war, caused a 'debate' that was completely hidden from the public, in order to 'establish the appearance' of a healthy, stable, government.
In 1927, after years of bureaucratic manoeuvering, the members in the government that were part of the Left Opposition were deported on a wide scale. Immediately following, Stalin announced his theory of social fascism, describing that the theories of Social-Democracy and Fascism were essentially the same. Following this new theory, members of Social-Democratic organisations (of which Bolsheviks were once a part) were arrested or deported. In 1929 the right-wing of the Communist party, led by Bukharin, was removed from the so-called "soviet" government by the Stalinists.
In late 1928, Stalin introduced methods of productively advancing the Soviet Union via forced industrialisation and collectivisation. These efforts were tasked out in five year plans, the first of which included a widescale campaign of mass executions, arrests, and deportations of the kulak class.
Russia advanced tremendously from the draconian measures implemented to ensure that "socialism in one country" could survive. Russia moved from complete devastation and destruction after WWI and the Civil War, to become a nation that was one of the most powerful in the world: achieving such goals that 30 years previous would have been viewed as wholly impossible.
From 1934 to 1939 Stalin ordered a series of executions and imprisonments, largely directed towards people within the Soviet government. Half of the members of the first Council of Peoples Commissars were executed in 1938 (A quarter of them had died natural deaths before hand, of the remaining quarter only Stalin lived past 1942). Some government officials executed were thought to be Nazi agents or sympathisers, while others were accused for planning to overthrow the Soviet government. Members of the Left Opposition who were allowed to return to the party after accepting Stalinism were soon executed, those who remained abroad were hunted down and killed. Also executed were people belonging to the right-wing of the party (Bukharin and others). The exact number of people executed is not known, estimates range from thousands to millions.
During WWII Stalin organised and lead the Soviet Union to victory over the invading Nazi armies. [...](http://www.marxists.org) Share
Stalin, a political name adopted when he was 34, meaning Man of Steel, studied for the priesthood under his real name, Dzhugashvili. Son of a shoe maker, he joined the Social Democratic party after being expelled from a theological school for insubordination. After the RSDLP split in 1903, Stalin became a member of the Bolshevik party.
In Stalin's early years he was continually in trouble with the local authorities. During this period he took the nickname Koba, after the famous Georgian outlaw and the name of a character in the romance "Nunu", by the Georgian author Kazbek. The celebrated brigand Koba was known as a fighter for the the rights of the people, while the fictional Koba was depicted as sacrificing everything in his struggle against the Tsarist authorities on behalf of his people, but unsuccesful, freedom was lost.
Koba escaped prison exile several times, at his last escape he fled to St. Petersburg, where he became a member of the editorial staff of Pravda in 1912. Within a year, Stalin was arrested again and exiled to Siberia. He was released from exile by general amnesty after the February Revolution of 1917, and went back to the editorial staff of Pravda in Petrograd.
After the October Revolution Stalin was elected to the post of commissar for nationalities.
Throughout the following civil war, Stalin ascended the ranks of the government through extensive bureaucratic manoeuvering and in 1922, received the majority vote to become the General Secretary of the Communist party. In the same year Lenin called for his removal, explaining that Stalin had amassed to much power, in what was to become known as Lenin's last testament.
Following Lenin's death in 1924, a wave of reaction swept through the Soviet government. Stalin introduced his theory of socialism in one country, where he explained that Socialism could be achieved by a single country.
Unlike former inner-party debates, where the positions of either side were written in newspapers, talked about in public meetings and soviets; the reaction and practices of the long and devastating civil war, caused a 'debate' that was completely hidden from the public, in order to 'establish the appearance' of a healthy, stable, government.
In 1927, after years of bureaucratic manoeuvering, the members in the government that were part of the Left Opposition were deported on a wide scale. Immediately following, Stalin announced his theory of social fascism, describing that the theories of Social-Democracy and Fascism were essentially the same. Following this new theory, members of Social-Democratic organisations (of which Bolsheviks were once a part) were arrested or deported. In 1929 the right-wing of the Communist party, led by Bukharin, was removed from the so-called "soviet" government by the Stalinists.
In late 1928, Stalin introduced methods of productively advancing the Soviet Union via forced industrialisation and collectivisation. These efforts were tasked out in five year plans, the first of which included a widescale campaign of mass executions, arrests, and deportations of the kulak class.
Russia advanced tremendously from the draconian measures implemented to ensure that "socialism in one country" could survive. Russia moved from complete devastation and destruction after WWI and the Civil War, to become a nation that was one of the most powerful in the world: achieving such goals that 30 years previous would have been viewed as wholly impossible.
From 1934 to 1939 Stalin ordered a series of executions and imprisonments, largely directed towards people within the Soviet government. Half of the members of the first Council of Peoples Commissars were executed in 1938 (A quarter of them had died natural deaths before hand, of the remaining quarter only Stalin lived past 1942). Some government officials executed were thought to be Nazi agents or sympathisers, while others were accused for planning to overthrow the Soviet government. Members of the Left Opposition who were allowed to return to the party after accepting Stalinism were soon executed, those who remained abroad were hunted down and killed. Also executed were people belonging to the right-wing of the party (Bukharin and others). The exact number of people executed is not known, estimates range from thousands to millions.
During WWII Stalin organised and lead the Soviet Union to victory over the invading Nazi armies. [...](http://www.marxists.org) Share
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